F1 Esports Pro Championship 2022: What's New in This Year's Competition 

The F1 Esports Pro Championship 2022 is making a comeback with a revamped format, promising more excitement for fans of virtual racing.

This year's competition will feature a revised format that includes three main stages: the Pro Exhibition, Pro Championship, and Pro Draft.

The Pro Exhibition will see the top esports drivers battling it out for a place in the Pro Championship, where they will compete for the title and a share of the $750,000 prize pool.

The Pro Draft will give aspiring esports drivers the chance to join the official F1 Esports teams.

With the popularity of esports on the rise .

The F1 Esports Pro Championship 2022 is expected to attract a large audience of both casual and hardcore gamers, as well as fans of Formula 1 looking for some virtual racing action.

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